Giving and Stewardship
The Nazareth Community and Companions of Nazareth are encouraged to make a regular direct debit each month to help pay for the running costs of the community, the stipend of their leader, and the resources St Martin’s provides. If they are not able to make a monthly contribution, they give a gift each year, or when they can, or consider leaving a legacy. Each member gives according to their means. Those who have more support those who have less. Those who do not have money give of themselves – their time, their gifts, their faith. Our Community has no reserves. It is sustained and supported by each one of you and the generosity of St Martin-in-the-Fields. We are so grateful for your support.
If you would like to make a donation to support the life of the Nazareth Community or the Companions of Nazareth, please follow the corresponding links below. You can either make a one-off donation or you can make a regular gift. Thank you for your support.