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What do we seek?

The Spirit of Nazareth

Tabgha, Sea of Galilee photographed by Richard Carter

Each of us come with different questions and longings but each one of us is seeking to live and walk more closely with God and more attentively to God’s divine presence in the midst of our lives. We aim to support each other in this shared path. Below are the charisms of the community we read and try to live, each day of the month.


Day 1

We seek to hear the voice of Christ and to see his face in the world in which we live even in the pain of the world.


Day 2 

We seek to make space for Christ and to allow his love, compassion, joy, and forgiveness to form us. We know we are saved by his mercy and grace and called to reflect that same grace.


Day 3

We believe that the kingdom of God is coming but is also here now, if only we turn and return and recognise Christ’s presence in the midst of our lives.


Day 4

The life of our prayer underpins the life of service: Martha can do her work only if she regularly joins Mary in silent meditation . Prayer leads us to practice justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.


Day 5

We begin with silence. Contemplative silent prayer is at the centre of our community life. The ground of all our seeking is a deeper listening, a deeper presence. In regular times of contemplative prayer we make space for God.


Day 6

We seek to live generously and hospitably, radically attentive to Christ present in friend, guest and stranger. Our community is porous. We look outwards and welcome those outside our community who want to join us and all aspects of our simple rule of life.


Day 7
As a wholly diverse and inclusive community we welcome those who have faced prejudice, exclusion, and marginalisation and we have a special commitment to those who are, or have faced, homelessness, poverty, hardship, and those who are refugees and migrants from other parts of the world. We are enriched by the lives of one another.


Day 8
We cherish those who come from other churches, denominations and faiths and those who have none but seek to discover more about Christ and our Nazareth path. We learn from the wisdom, culture, faith and life stories of others.


Day 9

Our community seeks to be a safe, non-judgmental space which respects the whole community as well as each person within it. We seek to learn from the community of others and the gift of our differences as well as the uniqueness of each person in it. Each one of us carry our own wounds and our own gifts and beauty. And each one of us belong to a bigger story. Christ’s story in us.


Day 10

We who know our own poverty of spirit, seek the spirituality of the poor, which does not want to impose solutions on others but stays with the discomfort and with the person facing struggle, and listens, and is with them as they find their own way forward. A radical spirituality which recognizes in those human struggles the closeness of Jesus. A spirituality which forms us through uncertainty and knows that Christ is necessary for all of our survival. We recognise that Christ is most especially present in those in greatest need.


Day 11

We seek a deeper compassion beyond judgment and division- we seek to discover the beauty of our common humanity- made in God's image.


Day 12

We who seek to be part of the body of Christ, recognise the sacredness of our whole bodies. We acknowledge that our wisdom is not only cerebral, but also intuitive, physical, instinctive, relational, spiritual and embodied and both within us and beyond us.


Day 13

We recognise the beauty and wonder of creation, we are attentive to the natural world and all that threatens its existence and we seek to honour, protect and live in harmony with the earth, the sea, the sky, and to hear its cry.


Day 14

We are seeking not simply an ala-carte menu for our own needs but a collective awareness- a relationship beyond the needs of self and a community which, while attentive to each individual, seeks to nurture a common mind which listens to all voices and the urgent needs of the world in which we live.


Day 15

We seek a bold humility, a humble boldness, which letting go of the need to know, control or compete, gives us the space to recognise the height, breadth and depth of God’s goodness.


Day 16

We are a community which has discovered that Christ often speaks from the edge and therefore recognises the gifts and contribution of all. Humility is everything.


Day 17

Nazareth is the place where we are met as we are, however messy and imperfect.


Day 18

We are seeking a collective soul- which recognises the pain of the world but also the soul of Christ which heals and redeems. We are seeking this soul of Christ at the very centre of our life together as community. We are seeking communion where our taking is transformed into sharing. We are changed by our encounter with one another.


Day 19

We live provisionally and by so doing learn to live with trust. We aim to live simply and not to accumulate more than we need. We seek to behold and honour rather than grasp and own.


Day 20

We try to live with joy and to seek the good in all things. We try to reflect this joy face to



Day 21

We try to live with balance and patience. We hasten slowly. We study to be quiet. We fall upwards. We listen and watch and speak what we know to be true. We aim not for rigidity but for harmony. It is when we find that harmony and balance that we also have the confidence to improvise.


Day 22

We live with a generous disposability: a freedom from "I want". What you thought you came for was only the shell husk. What we are discovering is beyond our previous imaginings, but only possible when we let go of the need to possess or cling. Dispossession is at the heart of religious life; it creates the space for becoming.


Day 23

We seek to take away the masks of our lives, as we follow the one who is without mask and who reveals his love naked on a cross. We seek to witness to this love and say it with our lives.


Day 24

We are called to live in faith and trust in a time of uncertainty.


Day 25

We seek a daily pattern of prayer reflecting the movement of time in the rhythm of the natural world. Not rush hour, not time off, not wasting time, not overtime, not time is money, not time out, not me time but God’s time - within the time of God. We are formed by this time with God.


Day 26

We seek to be led by the Spirit of Jesus and through listening and prayerful discernment to be receptive and open to the wisdom, creativity and intuition that comes from God.


Day 27

We are discovering God is already here and beyond us. We are not the pint pot filling other vessels. We are the witnesses of those who witness to God’s presence in the world and recognise God in those we meet. We are not telling or defining but seeking and discovering.


Day 28

Each member of the community is equal in the eyes of God and their full personhood is integral to the life of the whole community. 


Day 29

There is no better way of growing in the spiritual life than to be always starting over again and never thinking that we have reached the end. We keep a beginner’s mind. 


Day 30

We seek to bloom where we are planted.


Day 31

We seek a trellis of life where the buds and blossoms of our beseeching find stability in silence, the beauty of the stranger and a door wide open for all who feel they have no place to belong. We seek a common home in which we may all find ourselves and each other.


Beach near Holy Island, Northumberland photographed by Richard Carter

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