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On the Beach in Lampedusa, Richard Carter.jpeg

A Spirituality of Trust in God and One Another

On the Beach in Lampedusa photographed by Richard Carter

Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit (John 12.22-24)


We are called to live in faith and trust.


We are called to live a daily pattern of prayer. The movement of time is based on the rhythm of the natural world. Not rush hour, not time off, not wasting time, not overtime, not time is money, not time out, not me time, but God’s time. We are formed by the time of God. We are attentive to God’s presence with us. 


We offer a discipline without being judgmental.


We need to maintain the sense of being led by the Spirit while creating our trellis which allows for God’s growth. 


We should not become committee-led or managerial – rather we are led by the discernment of wisdom, creativity, intuition: the discernment of the Spirit of Christ.


We are not aiming to achieve numbers or goals, efficiency, productivity, hubs, strategies for growth, targets - rather our purpose is to love God and to love our neighbour as ourselves. 


We are discovering God is already here and beyond us. We are the witnesses of those who witness to God’s presence in the world and recognise God in those we meet. 


We are not telling or defining what people should believe, but seeking and discovering.


We are more than the sum of our differences: we learn from the uniqueness of one another from our diverse walks of life.


We aim to make our community sustainable without making it over regulated – the structure is there to serve the flourishing of the whole community. Our trellis provides both structure and room for flourishing and growth. 


The essential rules provide the banks of the river through which the water of life flows. The banks are not there for their own sake. The rules are there to create open, honest and safe space, where each member is respected and given dignity. Each member of the community is equal in the eyes of God, and their full personhood is integral to the life of the whole community. 


We recognise the abundant blessings of God in the world in which we live, and we try to live with hope, even in times of difficulty and struggle. We aim to live compassionately; attentive to God in all things.


We believe that the Word was made flesh. We seek to discover the presence of Christ in one another and in the world. We seek the blessings of God and to recognise that everyone is made in God's image. We seek to recognise God's gifts and grace in all. We seek to encourage and to pray for one another in this calling.

Contemplative Walk along the Thames, Richard Carter.HEIC

Contemplative walk along the Thames photographed by Richard Carter

© 2024 The Nazareth Community

The words, teachings and meditations on this website, unless otherwise indicated, are written by Richard Carter​

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